Zeo Power Powder 125 g
(Item No.:51070)

Product details
Zeo Power Powder is a particularly high-quality zeolite powder with a fine grain size of just 50 microns and a clinoptilolite content of around 90 %.
It supports the effective reduction of pollutants and helps to solve problems in freshwater and marine aquaria.
Due to its strong adsorption capacity, Zeo Power Powder binds ammonium even before it is converted to nitrite and nitrate in the nitrification chain. This helps to reduce the nitrate content in a natural way. In addition, pollutants such as phosphates are reliably bound and can be removed via the filter or, in saltwater aquaria, via the skimmer. Zeo Power Powder is particularly helpful for stubborn problems such as cyanobacteria infestation (smear algae) and ensures improved water quality in the aquarium. After using Zeo Power Powder, the water may initially appear cloudy. However, this cloudiness disappears within a few hours, leaving the water crystal clear. For persistent problems with cyanobacteria (smear algae), we recommend using Zeo Power Powder in combination with Easy Fit and Bacteria Fit to achieve a lasting improvement in water quality.

Product benefits at a glance:
- particularly high-quality zeolite powder with a clinoptilolite content of approx. 90 %
- extremely fine grain size of only 50 microns
- supports the reduction of pollutants in freshwater and marine aquaria
- adsorbs ammonium, which naturally reduces the nitrate content
- effectively binds pollutants such as phosphates, which can then be removed via the filter or skimmer
- helps to combat cyanobacteria (smear algae)
- permanently improves the water quality
- ensures crystal clear and clean water within a few hours
- for stubborn cyanobacteria problems, we recommend the combination with HOBBY Easy Fit and HOBBY Bacteria Fit
Our Zeo Power Powder is available in the following sizes:
51070 - Zeo Power Powder 125 g
51072 - Zeo Power Powder 350 g
51074 - Zeo Power Powder 700 g
51076 - Zeo Power Powder 2 kg
For an immediate effect, add one level teaspoon of Zeo Power Powder per 100 litres of aquarium water directly into a zone with a good flow of water. Alternatively, the powder can be dissolved in a little water beforehand and then added to the aquarium.
To prepare a stock solution, dissolve 5-10 tablespoons of Zeo Power Powder in 5 litres of distilled water. Shake well before each use and then add 50 ml of the solution per 100 litres of aquarium water. For optimum effect, use twice a week is recommended. For acute problems, dosing can be done daily. Overdosing is not possible.
We recommend

Easy Fit
Liquid Filter Medium

Bubble Air Filter 1
8 x 5 x 16 cm

Nano Catappa Leaves
Catappa leaves

Bubble Air Pump 100
extremely quiet