Bubble Air Spot colour & moon

(Item No.:00677)

Product details

The new underwater Bubble Air Spot colour & moon is equipped with a particularly high-quality high performance LED. The versatile LED spotlight with diffuser function is suitable for a wide variety of applications. The memory function also allows the multicolour LED light to be used as moonlight for example. By pressing a button on the remote control included with the product, you can also choose any colour to match your mood. You have 16 colours at your disposal and various different functions such as a soft flashing of the LED. A special effect can be achieved if you use the diffuser function. Simply connect a diaphragm pump with a 4/6 mm hose to the Bubble Air Spot colour & moon and generate softly illuminated air bubbles that provide your aquarium with an optimal amount of oxygen. Thanks to the particularly elastic suction cup, the LED spotlight can be easily and effortlessly applied to many different places in the aquarium or terrarium. As the product is operated using a transformer (low voltage), your own safety and that of your beloved nurslings is guaranteed.

Product benefits at a glance:

  • the memory function also allows the multicolour LED light to be used as moonlight for example
  • you can use the remote control included with the product to adjust your aquarium to any mood
  • in connection with a diaphragm pump, the aquarium is supplied with an ideal amount of oxygen
  • tested LED quality with a long service life of more than 10,000 hours of operation

Technical data:
Operating voltage: 100-240 V AC / 50-60 Hz
Switching power supply: 3 V- max. 300 mA- 50 / 60 Hz
Colour temperature: 6,500 Kelvin
Colour rendering: good - CRI: 84
Beam angle: 360°
Half-value angle: 33.5°
kWh/1,000 h: 1
Useful luminous flux: 73.5 in sphere (360°)
Energy efficiency class: G
Average life of LED module: 10,000 burning hours (L 70)
Protection class: IP 68 (applies only to the submersible part of the Bubble Air Spot)

Link to the data sheet


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